Dear Students, Dear Colleagues,
It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to the new academic year. On this opportunity, I would like to wish you every success in your studies and work, bountiful energy for all your daily duties, and a great deal of enthusiasm and desire to keep exploring, discovering, and learning new things. I wish you to experience the pleasure of interesting encounters with inspiring people at our university, which can make for the most enjoyable and meaningful moments there are.
I hope that you have had a happy summer, that you are well-rested and have gained new strength that can be put to good use in the coming months. After the summer holidays and vacations, Olomouc is once again alive with the bustle of a true university town, which it has been for 450 years. Since January, we have been commemorating the anniversary of our university with a series of events, and more are yet to come before the end of the calendar year.
The nearest one is the traditional MEET UP event, held on the new Olomouc embankment, and named after Prof Josef Jařab, our first post-communist rector. I look forward to meeting you there. It is also an opportunity to welcome the first-year students, whom I wish to get their footing soon, and get involved in university life.
I would also like to mention that the Opening Ceremony of academic year 2023/2024 for Czech universities will be held at UP at the beginning of October. It is a great honour and opportunity for our university, and I’m pleased that we’ll be able to welcome many distinguished guests on our campus, not only from the academic sphere.
I wish you all the best for the new academic year and look forward to all the meetings that await us in its course.
Martin Procházka
Rector of Palacký University Olomouc