A tapestry of traditions: celebrating Czech Christmas with the UP international community

Photo gallery: Welcome Office archives
Pondělí 18. prosinec 2023, 12:57 – Text: Pavel Flekač

On the 14th of December, exactly 10 days before Christmas Eve in the Czech Republic, a wonderful event emerged through the collaboration of the Welcome Office and the Erasmus Student Network UP Olomouc within the halls of the International Cooperation Division, with the enthusiastic participation of the university's international community.

Over 70 international students, academic staff, and guests gathered to immerse themselves in the rich traditions and customs of a Czech Christmas, all set within a heartwarming setting enhanced by the melodies of Christmas carols.

Many of the international students come from countries with varied Christmas traditions or those that slightly differ from one another. The presentation by the knowledgeable Mr. Orság, detailing the annual customs celebrated in Czech households, was an eye-opener for many.

Following the enlightening discussion on Christmas traditions and a cultural exchange of diverse practices, attendees had the chance to experience these traditions firsthand. The Little Jesus’s Workshop in the Welcome Office was a hub of creativity where participants crafted handmade Christmas postcards, discovered the Christmas star nestled within an apple, and watched as little Christmas boats danced on the waves in a basin. They also enjoyed decorating gingerbreads and the quaint tradition of waiting under the mistletoe for a Christmas kiss.

The output from the Little Jesus’s Workshop was nothing short of wonderful, with participants thoroughly enjoying the creative program and the hands-on exploration of traditions. The evening did not end there; the group was then escorted to an ice rink in Olomouc for an enchanting ice-skating experience. As night cast its shadow over the Christmas markets, the scene transformed into a magical 'evening of lights'.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the international community at Palacký University Olomouc for their enthusiastic participation in this event. In our diverse society, it is crucial to connect people from every corner of the globe and to foster a positive environment for all. This is a foundational goal of the Welcome Office and our esteemed university. It's through these efforts that we create an atmosphere where every individual can realize their potential, become the best versions of themselves, and share experiences, connected values, and a passion for studying and working in Olomouc.

We wish all international students, academic staff, guests, Czech employees, and students a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the coming days bring you the warmth of the hearth, peace of mind, and the love of family.


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