Cooperation with Neijiang Normal University at the Faculty of Education

Photo: UP Faculty of Education archives
Čtvrtek 3. leden 2019, 10:28 – Text: Milada Hronová

Huang Hui, Vice-Rector of Neijiang Normal University in the Chinese province of Sichuan, and Jaroslav Miller, Palacký University Rector, signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Academic Cooperation. The Chinese Neijiang Normal University is mainly interested in study programmes at the UP Faculty of Education.

The signed memorandum marks the beginning of cooperation between the two universities. According to Jana Kvintová, Vice-Dean for International Relations at the Faculty of Education, its primary goal is the exchange of students and academics at this faculty.

“The Chinese delegation was interested in the areas of education, primary education, special education, and mathematics in education. Neijiang Normal University is interested in all levels of university education: in Bachelor’s, Master’s, and doctoral studies,” she said. She also added that the university delegation took interest in the offer of summer schools organised by the UP Faculty of Education since 2015. Their contents represent a cross-section of their study themes, such as expressive therapy, music culture with educational aspects, fine arts focussing on education, etc.

During their visit, the Chinese academics also visited the UP Support Centre for Students with Special Needs and the Centre for the Prevention of Risky Virtual Communication at the Faculty of Education, where its director Kamil Kopecký met with them in person.

The Palacký University Faculty of Education has been dedicating itself to internalisation. During the last five years, they have increased the number of international partners and the number of bilateral contracts, while continually adding more student and academic mobilities.



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