IEI Fall webinar series

Zdroj obrázku:
Pátek 4. listopad 2022, 10:00 – Text: Oddělení pro zahraniční spolupráci

Dear colleagues

I hope you’re having a nice fall.


As our IEI webinar series continues this is the list of last 3 upcoming webinars:


Thursday, November 10, 3 - 4:15 PM CET
Student round table discussion: How to stay sane in a busy semester
(Yuliya Kartoshkina, University of Minnesota, USA Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw, Poland)


Tuesday, November 15, 3 - 4:15 PM CET
International virtual collaborations - getting started
(Reinout Klamer, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands, Petra Key, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic)


Thursday, December 8, 3 - 4:15 PM CET
Expert Exchange: Pedagogical learnings from the Mitigating COVID project
(Eva Janebová, Christopher Medalis, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic)

I wanted to direct your attention to the project website Going Virtual where you can find the recordings of the past webinars, in case you missed some live sessions.

These interactive webinars (one for academics, teachers, and university staff and one for students) are designed to help you learn about good versus bad stress, recognize how your body and mind react to stress, and practice several activities to help you stay sane with a busy academic life.  

Presenter: Yuliya Kartoshkina, PhD, has been conducting research, developing, and leading workshops related to neuroscience and mindfulness for over a decade. She has been involved with academia in various roles in the past twenty years, by being a graduate student, a lecturer at a public U.S. university, an international educator, an intercultural facilitator, and many more. Currently, Yuliya is working with faculty on helping them internationalize their courses and teaches various workshops, including workshops around neuroscience, mindfulness, and culture.  


Please feel free to share this with any colleagues and students who might be interested!

The link to register for all upcoming webinars can be found by clicking on the pdf but I have also listed it here: Registration link


We hope to see you soon!


Maike Leidecker, Mgr.

Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci | Palacky University Olomouc
Institute for Excellence in Internationalisation
Vodární 601, 779 00 Olomouc | Czech Republic


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