Nabídka online kurzů univerzit Aliance AURORA

Ilustrační foto:
Úterý 5. leden 2021, 10:49

V rámci projektu AURORA nabízejí tři univerzity možnost účasti na online kurzech. Pro více informací prosím kontaktuje Mgr. Veroniku Glogarovou ( 

With the launch of AURORA Co-Creation Community in December 2020, three AURORA Universities have opened up their Co-creation courses for all AURORA partners. Please find the details below: 

  1. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VUA) has opened the course Interdisciplinary Service Learning (iCSL): addressing transdisciplinary research challenges. The course aims for Master students from any discipline working on a thesis/internship/project work related to any of the four thematic categories that relate to AURORA pilot domains (1. COVID-19; 2. Food; 3. Circular Economy; 4. Digital Inclusion). The course provides students with the opportunity to work on their graduation project. At the same time work in a transdisciplinary team with students from other master programs and other countries working on a similar topic and involving local communities. This course will also engage the Supervisors in co-creation activities and reflections.
    Detailed information on the course  
    Download flyer 
    Download brochure 

  2. University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) has opened two courses for Bachelor-level students:  
    Commitment and learning in times of Corona - A practical seminar to recognize and reflect on social commitment: In this course students work together in international teams to reflect on their civic engagement learning experience, exchange insights and knowledge, and develop and strengthen critical competencies for personal and professional development.
    Detailed information on the course 
    Creative Lab Ruhr (CHR): This course is based on design thinking, and aims to engage the students to work in interdisciplinary teams to systematically solve complex problems in educational and cultural work with regional practice partners.
    Detailed information on the course
  3. University of Innsbruck (UInn) has opened the course A new balance of Digital and Presence. The course is for staffs on collaboration and service design thinking. It aims to equip them with innovative approaches and practical tools for daily teaching, research and teamwork, especially pertaining to the new online/digital mode of working. 
    Detailed information on the course

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