UP central canteen will undergo extensive reconstruction: Reopening on September 17

UP central canteen at 17 listopadu street.
Středa 18. duben 2018, 8:40 – Text: Tomáš Franta

Modern gastronomic equipment, a new serving counter, and more comfort for the diners – all of this and more will be offered in the central canteen starting in autumn 2018. The Palacký University Olomouc Accommodation and Dining Services will soon start its 4-month reconstruction and modernisation, after which the canteen will meet higher standards.

The last opportunity for the diners among UP students, employees and the public to have lunch in the old central canteen is Friday 27 April. After that date the premises will be closed until September 17, when the canteen will be ceremonially re-opened. “The modernised canteen will provide a number of technological novelties and improved environment in the new school year. The upper floor of the canteen will undergo some changes, as it will become a fully walk-through area; all floors will be wheelchair accessible, and the cooks will have modern equipment at hand, including a new serving counter,” said Josef Suchánek, Director of the UP Accommodation and Dining Services.

During the reconstruction, diners may use other canteens (at Šmeralova and Křížkovského streets and in Neředín and Holice), which will be open regularly. However, diners should take into account the increased numbers of other diners and probably longer waiting times. “May and the beginning of June will be critical – we will need utmost patience, cooperation, and understanding from the canteen customers. After that period, students will start leaving for their homes, so the summer months should be quieter,” added Suchánek. Due to limited cooking capacity, the number of meals in other canteens will be temporarily reduced to three meal choices daily. The main cash desk will be moved to the Šmeralova dormitory manager’s office on Monday April 16.

You will be informed on the state of the reconstruction and related logistic measures on the UP Accommodation and Dining Services website as well as on its Facebook profile.


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