UP to host prestigious global summit

Reproduction: Žurnál UP
Pondělí 23. duben 2018, 14:10 – Text: Ivana Pustějovská

Palacký University has been preparing for an international summit aimed at the possibilities of developing excellence in science, academics and research in Central and Eastern Europe. The summit, which will take place from April 24–26, will be organised by the company Times Higher Education (THE) in cooperation with UP. THE is one of the most important companies evaluating universities world-wide, and providing news and information in the area of education, science and research. Guests of the summit, taking place for the first time Central Europe, will be recognised leaders in the fields of science, academia, politics and business.

The theme of the summit will be Research excellence: New Europe – Building a hub for world-class research. Representatives of institutions from Central and Eastern Europe will discuss how research institutions can best contribute to increasing economic growth in the region. Times Higher Education on the occasion of the summit will also compile and publish a unique ranking of universities coming from the region of “New Europe”, which represents the 13 states which became members of the EU after 2004.

The programme will include a presentation by Pavel Telička, Vice-President of the European Parliament on National strategies for supporting research excellence, a lecture by theologian Tomáš Halík, and debates on the themes of New Europe in 2028 – The new hub for excellence and Establishing partnerships between New Europe and the rest of the world. Discussions will take place with rectors of several Czech and foreign universities in attendance, as well as the former president of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Jiří Drahoš, and other summit guests. 

In cooperation with the Academia Film Olomouc festival (taking place at the same time), a public talk will be given by leading Czech academics and scientists on the theme of scientific excellence in the older and new EU states. And on Thursday, 26 April at 6pm in the Corpus Christi Chapel, a debate will take place between the physical chemist and general director of the RCPTM, Radek Zbořil; the most cited Czech scientist, chemist, Pavel Hobza; historian and UP Rector Jaroslav Miller; and Michal Otyepka, holder of a prestigious European Research Council grant.

Times Higher Education organises a series of eight international summits per annum, which are often arranged to focus both regionally and thematically. This is the first event of its kind ever to be held in Czechia or Central Europe. The complete summit programme can be found here.


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