We now know the candidates for Senate! Try the online mock elections; actual voting will take place from 3–11 May

Graphics: Michaela Cyprová
Úterý 25. duben 2023, 8:55

Who will become a new senator from your faculty of Palacký University? The choice is up to you, students and academics, who will vote electronically from 3–11 May. The list of candidates for the top governing body of the university has now been published on the elections website.

Elections for the UP Academic Senate are now in full swing. The deadline for nominated candidates from individual faculties by students and academics is over. Now is the time to study the names of those nominated to this key position from your faculty. Voting will take place online starting in early May. Beforehand, however, you have the opportunity to get your hands on the election app and orient yourself via “mock” elections.

Mock elections

“We would like to offer voters before the elections at least two days to have the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the voting environment via the electronic app for choosing candidates and registering your vote. In this ‘mock elections’ trial, you will find fictional candidates, obvious due to their unusual names,” explained Zdeněk Svoboda, head of the elections commission. He added that the mock elections should also serve as a stress test: “We would be happy if as many students and academics as possible would take part in the fictional elections.”

The mock elections will only be accessible for a day and a half, from noon on Wednesday 26 April to midnight on Thursday. They can be found at volby.upol.cz, which is where the real elections for the Palacký University Academic Senate will take place in early May.

Candidates and the real elections

Fifty-nine names have been thrown into the hat to represent faculties in the university Senate, chosen by the election commission sub-committees at the eight faculties of UP. The list of candidates has been published on the elections website. In May, every student and academic can vote for three people at most, two academics and one student from their faculty – in total, there are 24 UP senators in the UP Academic Senate. The newly-elected senators will be seated in mid-September for a term of three academic years, ending on 15 May 2026.

We will present a detailed guide to voting before the elections to the UP Academic Senate, which will take place from 12 noon on Wednesday 3 May to 12 noon on Thursday 11 May. You can also follow updates on the elections website at upol.cz/volby.


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